
Admitting our own powerlessness, choosing a Higher Power, surrendering to that Higher Power.


If you’re open to it, there are many forms: listening prayer, inner healing prayer, Immanuel prayer, etc.

Emotional Health

Recognizing & communicating emotions in healthy ways; returning to joy after experiencing negative emotions.

Relational Skills

Remain relational, act like your (true) self, and other Thrive skills.

Rhythm of Life

Building healthy rhythms of work/activity and rest.

Brain Science

Research indicates three key habits help people to grow, heal and learn a new way to live.

Core Beliefs

Identifying what your actions & emotions tell about your deepest-held beliefs, and evaluating their truthfulness.


Using the Enneagram and other tools to know yourself & see a path forward into greater maturity.

Family of Origin

Using a genogram to explore your closest childhood relationships and lessons to be learned from them.

Power of Groups

Finding or starting a group with others who are moving towards a healthier way of living and relating.

Recommended Resources

Coming soon